Amsoil Intercepter Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil

Amsoil Interceptor Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil

Regular price $45.00

Amsoil Interceptor Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil is a high-performance 2-stroke oil with an emphasis on exhaust power valves. Contains high levels of detergent additives to prevent valve sticking. Replaces manufacturer-branded oils. Injector use or 50:1 premix. Excellent in snowmobiles, motorcycles, PWC, ATVs and jet boats.

Features of the Amsoil Interceptor Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil

  • 946ml
  • Excellent for all two-stroke engines
  • Prevents piston ring & exhaust
    power valve sticking
  • Exceptional cold-temperature
    fluidity (-56ºC pour point)
  • Outstanding performance in
  • DFI engines
  • Protects against wear
  • Low smoke and odor
  • Helps prevent plug fouling

View the Amsoil Interceptor 2T Oil Data Sheet.

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